Thursday 29 April 2010

Arrived in Melbourne safe and sound...

I arrived in Melbourne this morning at 4.40am (30th April) after a 20 hour flight, which turned out to be less crap than I thought it would be. Highlights included the girl next to me suffering from quite possibly the worst travel sickness I have ever seen. She filled many sick bags. I thought I had lost my glasses at one point as they fell off my face whilst I was asleep and the chap next to me had sat on them. They are thankfully unharmed!

When I came out of the airport, I realised that I didn't actually have a map of Melbourne so had no idea how to get to the hostel. Thankfully I got talking to a lovely old boy on the bus into the city, who told me that a tram should take me where I need to go. I found it eventually and am kipping in a 4 bed share for the next 3 nights. I have the room to myself this evening but am told I will have roomies from tomorrow night.

First impressions of Melbourne is that it has very high buildings. That's all I've seen so far! I am currently fighting the urge to just go to bed. It is around 9.15am here and in my UK head it is just past midnight. So very tired...

My plan this morning is to drink a lot of coffee and research what to do for the next 3 days. There is also a huge market just around the corner so will pay there a visit and explore the neighbourhood around the hostel a bit more.

On Monday I'm flying up the coast to Sydney so will try to post again before then.

Spider count so far: 0


  1. Glad you made it there ok mate. Looking forward to hearing all about your travels. So proud of you x x x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad you made it at last! good to hear from you, hope you get through the jet lag soon, Mike x

  4. our very own miss columbus (yep i had to google the spelling) good on ya sport, i will check in now and then to see how you are getting on, have a great time jo, your orphan brother in law.!


  5. hey Jo glad to hear you made it ok!

    enjoy Melbourne. look forward to reading more soon x ( looks like we are definitely boycotting sats yay!)

  6. melbourne art gallery is quite good. St Kilda is quite lively for bars etc. Sydney - walk walk walk - best way to see it. have fun!

  7. Have fun - I will ask by Boyf Mark for any tips, he was in Melbourne last spring :o)

  8. Good to know you arrived in one piece Jo with only minor mishaps!!! Great reading so far Jo, looking forward to the rest of it. Have a great time Jo. -x-

  9. Its a proper adventure already! and only day one. Very funny. have agreat time and say yes to everything that's offered. thats how I ended up down that dodgy garden centre in billing that used to be a nightclub, with a bloke who had a glass eye and dodgy hair that looked like a wig. he lived in a bedsit when his wife found him having an affair with his secretary. anyway Its your story Jo, not mine, be well and dont forget to wear lots of suncream. abi x

  10. Wow, Jo, amazing, Michael has only just sent me this link. You seem to be having a great time.
    Give our love to Stuart when you catch up with him, take care.
    Love Pam and John xxx
