Tuesday 4 May 2010

Cheerio Melbourne, G'day Sidney!

It's actually my last few hours in Sydney and very soon I'll be getting on an overnight Greyhound bus to Byron Bay. 12 hours of rockin' coach time! YEAH!

Last day in Melbourne was super-lovely, especially as the sun came out in force. I went to the Melbourne Aquarium and looked at some crazy looking fish. I think one took a bit of a shine to me. My favourites were definitely the stingrays though. They seem so gentle, like big stabby floating blankets. I managed to get up the Eureka Tower this time and viewed Melbourne from the 88th floor. The views were stunning and I took about a million pictures, which will bore the shite out of you all when I put them on Facebook. It was one of the few times when I have got vertigo actually, but the 88th floor is floor to ceiling glass, so not surprising really!

I was hoping to have some drinks on my last night with the folks I met in the hostel, but was out sparko pretty much as soon as I got back to my room. I'm such a grandma sometimes.

The flight to Sydney was brill as I had the good fortune to be placed in a window seat. It was clear skies all the way, so really amazing views.

I liked Sydney as soon as I arrived and the hostel here is ace. I've had quite a few different roomies in this dorm and they've all been lovely. Everyone has lots of different stories to tell about their travels and I love listening to them. On the first night, there was a BBQ on the roof terrace and I got a kangeroo burger and a beer for $2. Bloody love it here...

Again, I met some folks and spent some time with them in the evenings and mornings. Last night I went to see Iron Man 2 with a lovely Brit I met called Anna and we couldn't believe how nice this cinema was! The seats were like armchairs and there was a ton of legroom.

As I didn't have a huge amount of time in Sydney (about a day and half in total), I went straight for the tourist stuff and took in Darling Harbour, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. I enjoyed every minute of it though as the city is a lovely place to walk around. I also sent a bunch of postcards saying how lovely the sunshine is here. It promptly pissed it down about an hour after posting them, so my photos will make a liar of me!

I am enjoying the backpacker lifestyle I have to say, it is great just doing your own thing in the daytime and knowing that there will always be company in the evenings. As much as I've loved Melbourne and Sydney, it will be nice to move up the coast and be closer to the beaches. My first plan in Byron is to swim and then hire a bike for the day. Will blog again once I've settled there.

Thanks by the way for your comments and suggestions on the other posts, always lovely to hear from ya'll :) x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo - what a way to spend a career break - sounds absolutely awesome. I am keeping up to date with your travels and am so so envious of you. Looking forward to your next entry. Ellie x-x
