Friday 14 May 2010

Fraser Island and The Whitsundays

It is now my last night in Airlie Beach and I have to say that this is a lovely little place too. The hostel is nowhere near as awesome as Hervey Bay, but my roomies are a lovely bunch and the sun is very shiney here. More about that later...

I spent a glorious day on Fraser Island a couple of days ago and it thankfully the weather was amazing. We've a had a couple of bursts of rain over the last week, so was very thankful for the sun. I was picked up at the ungodly time of 0615 and we sailed across to the island at 7. Despite the early start, it was so lovely to see the surroundings at that time, as the sun was just coming up. When we arrived on Fraser, we were introduced to our guide for the day, who was an awesome chap called Kevin. He's been a guide on the Island for around 15 years and really knew his stuff. Not only about the Island's indigenous inhabitants, but also the plant and wildlife too. The Island is the largest (I think) sand Island in the world and I find it both bizarre and ace that a lush rainforest/bush can thrive on what is essentially a massive pile of sand. It's bloody enormous too, it stretches out for more than 100km.

Anyway! Our tourbus was a cross between a coach and a monster truck. As the Island is just sand, the roads are just sand track through the bush, so it was a very bumpy ride. The best way I can describe it is by asking you to imagine driving over a load of speed bumps, whilst scally kids run alongside you rocking the bus. One woman had to get out to be sick, but it was very exciting! Kevin took us through a large section of bush and stopped when he saw a snake sleeping at the side of the road. We all got out and took photos of it, but mostly used the zoom option. We ended up on the beach and he drove for what felt like ages along the shore. The beaches on Fraser are just beautiful, but they won't let you swim in the ocean as there are sharks and jelly fish and stingrays (oh my!). Fair enough I think. We saw a couple of dingo's on the beach and we were not allowed out of the coach to photograph them. Something about them mauling people apparently. Dingos are in the wolf family, so they're alright by me! He did stop by the ocean though next to Eli Creek, which is a freshwater creek leading back into the bush. We could paddle and swim in that, so I had a frolick in there for a while. Next we carried on up the beach to the Maheno, which is a shipwrecked boat that has been on Fraser for sometime now. A good section of it has sunk into the ocean now so it really was an amazing site.

After lunch came a 2km walk through the bush. Just before we started the trail, Kevin told us to be careful of snakes and what to do if we encounter dingos. He then said I'll meet you at the other end and pissed off back to the bus. I swear they do this deliberately. It was a good walk though and I saw an eel in the creek and some big spiders. Very humid in there though. Last stop was the fantastic Lake McKenzie. This is a freshwater lake inland on Fraser and has a high acidity level, so very good for the skin. Apparently you should feel 10 years younger after a swim in there, I can't say I felt 21 when I emerged from there, but I did feel pretty damn good I have to say. It was so lovely though and the water was crystal clear. I swam quite far out to a fairly deep part of the lake, but then remembered all those films where people get dragged under water, so swam back to where I could see the bottom. Feel a bit silly now.

I was quite sad to leave Fraser I have to say, although before I got on the coach Kevin approached me and said I should always make an effort to stay pale and how lovely it is to see. He was saying that he has to get scanned every so often and they always cut moles off him each time. I really was touched by that as whilst I am more than happy being pale, I am certainly in the minority out here and often surrounded by tanned lovelies who can occasionally make me a little envious. Kevin's comment really topped off my day.

When I got back to the hostel, I had 2 hours before I caught my overnight Greyhound, so I headed to the bar to get some BBQ food. The previous night at the hostel, I met two lovely ladies from Canada, Judy and Renee, who are a mother and daughter travelling around Oz in a camper van. They were such good company and luckily I saw them again in the bar when I arrived. We shared a bottle of wine and I was so sad to leave their company when I had to catch my bus.

The Greyhound to Airlie Beach was a lot better than the other overnight bus I took, as I actually managed to sleep for about 6 hours. I spent the first day at Airlie just exploring the town and went along to the lagoon, which is a huge swimming pool basically. Again, you're not advised to swim in the ocean here due to things that sting and bite etc. I met a German lady called Alena on the bus and the hostel staff put us in the same room. We also met another German lady called Marianne (probably spelt that wrong) and a Danish lady called Nanna, who is bloody hilarious. They're the best roomies I've had so far.

Today I was up at the crack of dawn again to go sailing around the Whitsunday Islands. The trip I booked took you around 3 of the islands, including Whitehaven Beach, which I think might be the most stunning beach I've ever seen. It was ace sailing around the Islands though, they're so lush and green and the ocean is so inviting. I had to resist the urge not to throw myself in. I had a go at snorkling on Hook Island and that was a brilliant experience, it took me a few attempts to get used to it though! They provide you with a free 'stinger suit' when you arrive as there might be jellyfish in the water. This is basically a very tight catsuit, which looked rather foxy I have to say. I was like an Argos Emma Peel, I didn't want to take it off really. Should have stolen it, might come in handy one day.

I'm hanging out with my lovely roomies this evening, might even sample some of the local Bundy rum at last if I'm lucky. I have an early Greyhound bus to Cairns tomorrow though, so can't go mental. Anyways! Very hungry and can smell nice food coming from the hostel kitchen, so will bid you fairwell. Will hopefully blog again from Cairns. x


  1. "Argos Emma Peel" love it! hope you got someone to take a photo :)

  2. Yeah of course! Couldn't let that one go without evidence :)
